Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Random Ramblings

My mom is the bestest. She came over this morning to see my bubba before he went to his dads for a few days. Those two are best friends. Then she stayed so I could go for my run sans baby and baby stroller. Much easier. Thanks, Mom.

It's been entirely too long since I have had a karaoke party. I think I will turn my back deck into a stage for a night and get out the microphones. We can entertain the neighbors in the process. There are already lights hung. Now all we need is a rug, some instruments and some friends. Rock on!

It is one week until my sweet husband's birthday. He turns 25. I am officially a cougar. Ha. Just kidding he is a little bit older than that. Well, I am trying to plan a party for him. Last year we had a bbq. He doesn't like the big fuss over him. I like it. He deserves it. These are my choices, taco bar at home, homemade ice cream in the backyard, float the river, make shift baseball game with pitching machine included. I can't decide.

I got my new IKEA catalog yesterday. Yes! I love myself a little trip to IKEA. It's probably a good thing that there aren't any too close to us or I would be broke. But, dang our house would be perfectly put together.

I'm reading Come Back by mom and daughter Fontaine. It is about their journey when the daughter gets involved in drugs, goes to rehab, and more drugs. The daughter is dating the son of one of my old coworkers. She lent me the book when I went on maternity leave seven months ago. Thought I should read it and get it back to her. It is sad, frightening and triumphant in the end.

We are going to California for our family vacation in fifteen days. I have decided to only pack a few outfits for all of us and do some laundry while we are there. This is the complete opposite of normal me. I usually have an outfit for everything we plan to do. And one for both my kids. I love that part. But, now that I have to pack diapers, baby food, toys, car seats, strollers...well, it's three outfits a piece and laundry half way through.


  1. Can I come listen to you sing karaoke Ada??!!!

  2. i knew my mom was gonna be all over the karaoke idea. when and what should i bring?!
    i forgot about your trip, happy for u, sad for me.
