Friday, May 15, 2009

To Do...

I am a list maker. I make lists for everything. Everything. So, today here is my list of things to do. Things in italics are things added by Aidan.

Pick up Aidan from his dad's house.
Make brownies for school auction.
Go for walk while brownies bake.
Shower and wash hair. (Yes, I have to put that on the list)
Make lunch for Adam.
Watch movie with Aidan.
Drop off brownies at school.
Get Aidan a strawberry banana smoothie on the way downtown.
Go pay Britt for double stroller her mom found me.
Get money from Lisa for fab jewels.
Walk from there to Figpickles to get Adam a birthday present.
Get Aidan a new toy while we are there.
Stop and get fishing license.
Pack for Aidan since he is spending the night with Pappy.
Make sure Paps has marshmallows to roast on fire.
Pack for Flanagan Family Fishing Derby 2009 which is tomorrow. (I just decided it should be an annual tradition and gave it a name)
Go to birthday party at park for my nephew.
Go to swim lessons.
Drop off Aid at parents.
Go to school auction.
Get Aidan a surprise.
Don't let Adam see how much money I spend. I mean...Don't spend too much money.
Have sweet dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Phew! I'm exausted just reading your list. And Aidan really did get a few surprises at the auction, didn't he? And so did you!
