Friday, June 19, 2009

Almost Famous

Sooooo, guess what? I made it on to Huckleberries. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! DF Oliveria writes the Huckleberries for the Spokesman Review. He does a Huckleberries Online where he highlights blogs and keeps us informed. Huckleberries was my favorite part of the paper when I received the paper. And no I'm not just saying that.

I was on the front page for my 10 things I won't eat. Hee Hee. I am so excited. I feel like I won something but I didn't. I feel like I am a published writer, but I'm not. Well is super cool and I am super happy.

If you want to see it for yourself. Not like you don't believe me but you should check it out anyway. We do love the Oliveria. You will have to scroll down a little bit.

Take a looksy. Audible Woo Hoo is optional.
But just know you won't be the first. hee hee.


  1. I remember my first time out front. Very exciting. Adam's appy post made it out front today.
