Sunday, April 4, 2010

Decision Time

Friends, its decision time...

I've been thinking of having just one blog for a looooong time. I'm having a hard time keeping up with two blogs and really anything I post here I can post on my family blog. Even the's just honest me being me.

I think I shall just have my family blog and put this blog to rest. I have had a good year run and am hoping any readers will just make the small journey to my family blog. I promise there will be some good stories and lots of craziness. Of course there will also be pictures of my family, but they are all really cute and my camera is broken (again) so there won't be a ton of them.

Thanks for all your comments and the love.
If you miss me you can just jump over to AAA Plus One. I'll be there with all my craziness having a good time.


  1. Good idea. I can barely keep up with one. Although Midnight Marauder is a GREAT blog name.

  2. They were just family blogs anyway. Have fun at the AAA.

  3. Don't know how a person could do 2 anyway. One or both would have to suffer if they're 'spare time' time things.
    Anyway- love ya.
